+ The scalp is similar to the skin on the face, but because I use hair care products such as shampoo, dye... so the scalp will change compared to the face skin.
+ Shampoo is a product that comes in direct contact with the scalp, helping to clean the scalp, remove oil and dirt on the scalp, so choosing a shampoo that is suitable for the scalp will make the scalp healthy, not With fungus, dandruff, hair follicles will be healthy, hair will decrease and grow better.
+ Dry scalp: choose a type for dry hair
+ Oily or combination scalp: choose the type for oily hair
And a note for you guys is that in the cold season, the scalp is less oily and drier than in the summer, so I use less shampoo than in the summer. In the summer, the scalp secretes a lot of oil, causing greasy, dirty, so I use shampoo more than 1 press. Shu's shampoo is very easy to use, so please help Shu
Wish you have beautiful thick hair!
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